Meanwhile, the war between the followers of Superman and the opposite forces on Earth begins again, and it begins to enter the climax. It looks like WB Games might be all set to reveal their third instalment to the popular superhero fighting game - Injustice 3, pretty soon. When Supergirl refuses Superman's offer while being confined in a red sun cell, he brings in Batman, who is brainwashed by Superman, and to Supergirl‘s despair. Leading the legion, Superman tries to expand his territory beyond the Earth and into space. Answer (1 of 14): Given the ending to Injustice 2, Injustice 3 will probably be about Brainiac-Superman declaring war on the Green Lantern Corps (There’s no way that Netherrealm will use Batman’s ending why the hell would they). While the Injustice games have been wildly popular, NetherRealm could be set to work on something new instead.There have long been rumours that NetherRealm could be working on a Marvel fighting.

The world turned all over again into Superman's dictatorship. Silver Banshee Blackfire Superman Batman Batgirl/Barbara Gordon Supergirl/Kara Zor-El Harley Quinn. Eagle-eyed fans spotted that on his monitor was a file named MK12Mast.

Andersen tweeted the image below before scrubbing it 10 minutes later. After Brainiac's death, to protect the people of earth, Superman accesses Brainiac's ship and selects various alien warriors from Brainiac's city collection to rebuild the Regime. Injustice 3 Leaks 28 January 2022 Jonathan Andersen, a NetherRealm senior production manager may have revealed a big clue that the studio’s next game could be Mortal Kombat 12.